overcome past pain,

Crush imposter syndrome

so you can unlock unshakable confidence + thrive in your god-given worth

A transformational 2-Day Virtual Event to renew + rebuild + restore

A 2-Day Virtual Event for women ready to go after whole-hearted healing, so they can live and love from overflow and never settle for less again! 


OCTOBER 12 & 13




Reveal to heal

Identify + heal the wounds, trauma + generational patterns holding you back.

Your pain & past don't get the final say. Revelation of REDEMPTIVE stories waiting to be written here...

Rooted Identity + Restored Relationship


Secure God Attachment

Restored relationships starting with you + God.

Empowered Mindsets

FREEDOM in the mind + align with the mind of Christ. Exposing lies + limiting beliefs.

CRUSH the inner critic + UNMASK the imposters.

God Image + Body Image

Body shame conquered

Conquer expectations of perfection.

Unlock unshakeable Confidence

Renewed Inner Security + Confidence

Unlock your inner voice:

Bold communication + Boundary Creation.

Reclaimed trust, hope + joy

Activated Alignment

Realigned story. Trade recovering for becoming.

Spirit lead Imprint frameworks for lasting renewal & restoration of the mind, body, soul & strength.

Aligned purpose

Thrive in true worth

Live from overflow + love

Break the burn out cycles of survival mode

New depths of freedom, vitality + peace

Rest without guilt

Show up + speak up with authentic authority


DAY #1: Revelation, Release & Renew

Revealing the hidden roots under the surface of the pain and patterns so that you can release them and walk in hope and healing. 

UPROOT from ruts keeping you STUCK in TOXIC relationships + cycles.

Vertical relationship heart + soul healing

Distorted God image frameworks

Childhood imprint mapping

Unscripted authenticity + intimacy group coaching

Unmasking limiting beliefs, lies,

and counterfeit identities,

so you can walk fearlessly

and flourish in God-confidence.

DAY #2: Restoring & Rebuilding

Firm Foundations

DAY #2: Striving to Thriving - Rebuilding A Firm Foundation

Rebuild and Reconnect.

Overcome toxic cycles and relationships to master your emotions, and unleash your authentic voice as a Spirit lead woman of God. 

Restoring inner trust + security so that you can flourish, and build firm foundations of Godly love within + in healthy relationships. 

Whole-heart, mind, soul and body approach, Christ-centered + Spirit lead, so that you can conquer the inner critic + imposter syndrome.

Frameworks to authentic communication and intuitive boundary creation.

How to root your identity and value in God, not validation in others, so you can rest confidently in your identity.

OCTOBER 12 & 13


What Makes Our Event Different?

You will receive TRANSFORMATIONAL tools + takeaways for a FIRM foundation to FLOURISH.

A SAFE environment for sacred + Spirit-lead, deep healing + next steps to thrive in overflow.

Do you want to take REAL Christ-centered FAITH forward action steps toward your freedom + future? Then this is the event for you!

Featuring signature framework methods + brand new material during this event only!

*No new age, fluff, quick-fix stuff*

Your Host: Malorie McKenna

Hi my name is Malorie.

I’m so thankful you’re here!

Let’s dive right into the deep because that’s just how I roll.

If you want to know your PURPOSE, look at your pain. Beauty is born from our ashes. The God-sized dreams are refined in the fire as we ALIGN with His heart.

Here's why I’m so PASSIONATE in helping others along their TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY.

I disqualified myself for years. I was “jonah & the whale-ing it.” Running from the woman God created me to be. I was actually scared of “her.” I didn’t know how to show up & be all He called me to be.

I didn’t know how to take up space without apologizing for it.
Trying to earn my spot. My worth came from productivity & accomplishments. I thought I had to earn my way to God’s heart.

Sprinkle in perfectionism, people-pleasing, pain & then the great performer took over.

SO my friend 🤍

I know what it’s like to feel locked up by fear & lies.
Knowing there’s more to life.
Knowing who you are deep down inside.

But you strive & survive in certain situations because you’ve had to protect & hide. Shrinking & silencing your God-given voice.

Yet there’s an authentic authority wanting to break free as you live fully for Christ! You have a call on your life to see Him glorified.

You don’t have to have it all figured out to start thriving.

SAFETY, FREEDOM & JOY are possible!
There’s much more ahead of you than behind you.
And not only would I LOVE to HELP YOU get there, I feel CALLED to help women overcome the very things God so graciously got me through.



“Malorie is one of the most genuine and caring people I know. She has a deep love for Christ and walks in step with her faith daily. Malorie embodies a true leader by the way she faces her challenges. She listens attentively, makes people feel seen and heard and pours her heart and soul into everything she does. I am blessed to know her and am thankful for every faith-talk we’ve had that has deepened my own love for Christ.”- Karli 
"PS...Thank you for everything!"

"Speaking with Mal for the first time was like speaking to a long time friend. I immediately felt safe and heard. You can tell by the way she listens and speaks to you that she truly hears you without judgement. I honestly didn’t know what to expect coming into this event, but even hearing Mal’s story alone made me emotional and brought me so much hope in my journey. I felt like this event was God’s way of reminding me that I’m not just a hot mess/lost cause, that there is still hope for me to overcome these struggles of always feeling the need to earn my worth through my performance and wear a mask. I could truly feel God’s love through Mal and can’t thank her enough for her warmth and creating this safe space to process things I wasn’t even fully aware of. Mal helped me to understand how much fear of man has been holding me back from truly shining and being the woman God has called me to be. I know this is just the beginning of me learning how to connect back to myself and God in a way that feels truly safe, and that this was the next step in my healing journey that I truly needed." - S. K. 

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